Minimally Invasive Foot and Ankle Surgery
Minimally invasive surgery is done through tiny incisions instead of a large, open incision used in traditional surgery. The surgery is performed using slim, small surgical incisions and they have minimal exposure to the surgical field, causing a minor amount or no injury to the adjacent tissue. Most incisions done by MIS require little to no stitches.
Less injury – With minimally invasive foot surgery there is less injury to soft tissue. Compared to traditional open surgery where larger incisions are made that may create more trauma to the soft tissue, minimally invasive surgery uses much smaller incisions disturbing less tissue and can lead to a quicker recovery time.
Less pain – Studies have shown that patients of minimally invasive surgery report less pain than those patients undergoing traditional surgery. As a result, patients of minimally invasive surgery require less use of pain relievers.
Shorter surgery time – Because there is a small incision, surgery times for minimally invasive foot surgery procedures are often shorter than traditional open surgeries.
Less anesthesia, more qualifying patients – Due to the nature of minimally invasive foot surgery procedures, patients often remain awake during surgery after careful local anesthesia to the foot area, reducing the use of general anesthesia. Therefore, what happens during these procedures is just the foot is asleep. This opens up surgery possibilities for patients who may have been previously considered at risk for traditional surgeries due to medical history.
Minimal scar – As a result of minimally invasive foot surgeries’ smaller incisions, scars left by these procedures are smaller and less noticeable.
There are multiple foot conditions that can be treated with MIS surgery. We have a surgical suite in our office location to eliminate the need to go to the hospital. Your provider can discuss all options that would be best for you and your condition.
Please call our office at 413-525-5200 or request an appointment on our website today!