Flexible flatfoot is one of the most common types of flatfoot. It typically begins in childhood or adolescence and continues into adulthood. It usually occurs in both feet and progresses in severity throughout the adult years. As the deformity worsens, the soft tissues (tendons and ligaments) of the arch may stretch or tear and can become inflamed. The term “flexible” means that while the foot is flat when standing (weightbearing), the arch returns when not standing.
If you experience symptoms with flexible flatfoot, the surgeon may recommend nonsurgical treatment options, including: activity modifications, weight loss, orthotic devices, immobilization, anti-inflammatory medications, physical therapy, shoe modifications, and bracing.
In some patients whose pain is not adequately relieved by other treatments, surgery may be considered. Many surgical techniques are available to correct flexible flatfoot, and one or a combination of procedures may be required to relieve the symptoms and improve foot function. In selecting the procedure or combination of procedures for your particular case, the foot and ankle surgeon will take into consideration the extent of your deformity based on the x-ray findings, your age, your activity level and other factors. The length of the recovery period will vary depending on the procedure or procedures performed.